Sunday, February 1, 2009


these things are making life grand...

1. STYLE: Renata Morales

My one and only put me on to this visual feast of a clip by director Jeramie Saindon for We are Wolves. However, it is the spectacular styling by Renata Morales that truly blows me away. According to wikipedia, Renata is a Mexican Born, Canadian fashion designer and visual artist. I simply cannot wait to see what she does next... 

2. IMAGE: JH Engstrom

This photo by the amazing JH Engstrom perfectly captures those moments in which no matter how hard you try, it is all utterly hopeless. I can't help but smile when i look at it.

3. DESIGN: Alvin Lustig

I am completely in awe of the design work of Alvin Lustig. He died in 1955 at the tender age of 40, but his contributions to the world of graphic, interior and textile design are undeniable. (thanks HI + LOW)

4. FILM - Amores Perros

I realise that I am a little slow on the uptake, having only just watched this brilliant film directed by Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu in 2000, but i loved it! The soundtrack is also fantastic.

5. FOOD - Smoked Trout

Something i avoided at family gatherings throughout my childhood, but have come to love with age. Teamed with a solid slice of dark rye bread and a beer of your choosing, i would argue that there is nothing better on a sunday afternoon. 

6. OBJECT - Apothecary Bottles

I have a secret obsession with vintage militaria. I have not yet decided what i would store in these, but i will definately think of something...

7. SOUND - Leonard Cohen

In honour of his recent visit to melbourne, my one and only has been playing Mr Cohen all week. I think I could listen to So Long Marianne every second for the rest of my life.

1 comment:

Make it Easy said...

i just love the way you layout your you make a pictoral and detailed number list of the things your smitten with...its so nice!!